Men’s Ministry

Men of Vision

This ministry is about inspiring, and equipping men to know the Word (Bible) and how to be spiritual leaders in their homes, in the church, and in their places of business. It is a ministry that develops men to make a positive impact for this generation and those to come. We accomplish this mission through Bible study, discipleship classes, evangelism training, leadership development, accountability groups, mentoring, retreats, and special events.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish…” – Proverbs 29:18

More importantly we help men focus and guide them to discover or rediscover their vision. This is why our men’s ministry it’s called, Men of Vision. Men must look beyond what they are today, but also be actively learning from the principles of God on how to apply them in this day. They must also look forward towards understanding their responsibility before God, not only personally, but to their wives, children and as a citizen in society. A man’s purpose explains what they do with their lives. A man’s vision is seen how they are living in their purpose, and their goals enable them to realize their vision. This is what we nurture in our men’s ministry. All are welcome and you do not have to be a member of our church to attend.

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